Useful Management Rights Resources

Trade Organisations

Australian Resident Accommodation Manager’s Association (ARAMA):The management rights industry trade association originally founded on the Queensland Gold Coast it is now state wide with branches along the Queensland seaboard.. They operate a most useful website providing members with a wealth of information from their extensive library and they have branches in Cairns and Port Douglas.


Resort News: A very useful monthly magazine specialising in the Australian management rights industry containing a range of informative articles written by industry experts providing useful tips and information on legal matters, relief managers, industry issues and businesses for sale.

The Accommodation Manager’s Handbook: A comprehensive operations guide for accommodation managers and management rights operators prepared by a highly regraded Cairns accountant actively practicing in the industry. An important manual providing details of office procedures, end of month accounting, marketing etc. To obtain a copy, contact Miriam Eagle of Eagle accounting.


Office Of Fair Trading: The Queensland State Government department responsible for administering the Property Agents and Motor Dealers Act which controls the management rights industry.For information regarding LICENSING matters call 07 3246 1500.

Real Estate Institute Of Queensland (REIQ): Head quartered in Brisbane with branches throughout the state, the Cairns Branch is fully operational and able to answer any queries you may have. They are located at 1st Floor, 5 Anderson Street, Cairns and can be contacted on 07 4031 9558.

Regional Tourism Activity Monitor (RTAM): An informative website providing monthly tourism industry statistics especially with regard to occupancy levels, room rates for a wide cross section of accommodation types derived from figures supplied by accommodation managers and operators.

Tourism Tropical North Queensland (TTNQ): The major tourism body operating in Tropical North Queensland servicing members with wide ranging domestic and international marketing expertise and actively promoting the region. Call07 4031 7676

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